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If you think '24 was complex...
Wait for it...

Grounding skills are developed through practice.

Grounded to take part in hard conversations

Grounded to foster healthy relationships.

Grounded to navigate the complexities of work & life.  

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CaPeesh founder, Dr. Charletta Wilson credits her in-depth work with Dr. Brown as foundational to her flagship approach to growing grounded leaders for complex times. 

"I know what it means first-hand to ride the wave of complexity. It's hard as hell. Aside from geo-political instability, rapid technological advancements, global health challenges, and societal shifts - I'm raising a teenager, not-so-gracefully moving through menopause, caregiving for aging parents and leading a business steeped in trauma. I have not choice but to grab grounding by the horns so that I can fight the good fight of faith."

~ Char

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